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So my writing course comes with homework, and this week it was to come up with a premise for the novel I will be working on. I’ve decided to take a mix of fact and fantasy based on my life experiences.

I will be handing in this premise tomorrow in hopes that the teacher thinks it is a deep enough concept to write a novel from.

I was also considering taking another go at Vanish Effect. It is a well thought out concept that has some potential. Even better, I already have some pre-planning and some early writing done on it, but I feel like it is too big of a concept that relies too much on my imagination.

My new concept, Creative Darkness, really relies on elements of my life, and less on my imagination. This hopefully, will make it both easier to write, and more compelling to read. Everyone always says, “write about what you know…” and so I hope that in doing this, I’ll finally get a novel from start to finish.

I haven’t decided yet whether or not I’ll post what I’m working on here as I work on it, or if I should only post the little creative writing challenges that the course presents. Let me know what you think in the comments please.