More on My New Job

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So, on Monday (yes, I know it is Friday), my new job gave me a little impromptu Birthday celebration. I even got a Tim Hortons gift card gift from them. It was really nice. I wasn’t expecting anything because I haven’t worked here long, and so it means a lot to me that they set aside time in their busy schedule to welcomed me into their team.

Since then, I’ve been working on various computers, waiting for my new machine to come in. Unfortunately, it is delayed due to my own cost saving measures. I had built up a computer similar to my home one, and then was scaling back parts. I didn’t notice that I had mismatched certain things, and now my computer won’t be here until early next week. Hopefully, there won’t be any more delays as I’ll have to work on the Netbook again next week, and I really don’t want to have to do that.

I’ve been learning a lot about how the computers and network are set up here in the office over the last few days. I finally feel like I’m starting to understand things better. It has been a hard go, but thankfully, people have been as patient as they can while I figure it all out.

Mandy, a co-worker that went to the same High School as me after I had left, has been a great resource. Not only helping me with my work, but also helping me feel like I belong here both at this company and in Brockville. I’ve been hard-pressed to find something that makes me feel like I “fit” here, and so it has been nice that she’s been so helpful.

Everyone continues to let me know about the high stress environment that we all work in and how it doesn’t change. It can definitely be nerve-wracking and my chest pains have come back in full force over the last few weeks. I try to take time though to listen to some good music, get out of the office, even for a few minutes during lunch, and cut myself off from work at the end of each day.

I think part of why everyone here is so stressed all the time is because they aren’t able to maintain a strong separation between work and home life. I am not saying that I’ll be able to keep that separation either, but I’m going to try my best as I can’t afford to die young. I still have a big credit card to pay off all the way…

Hopefully, today will be filled with meetings so that time can pass quickly.

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