Co-workers and Positive Embarrassment

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So today, like every Wednesday, we had our all-staff round table meeting. We discussed what was going on in the company, what we’ve accomplished, issues we are having and so forth. It was a fairly quick meeting compared to most weeks, but it was packed with information and I think it is key to keeping company moral high as it lets us all see that we are part of a company rather than individuals just putting in time each week.

One of the funniest things though was Dave from the warehouse had noticed my picture in the EMC St. Lawrence, and brought it in to show everyone. Thankfully, I had already let a few people I work with know that I had gotten it published, but Dan, Mandy and Danielle decided it should go on the fridge, and so now, my first published photo is on the fridge at the CMG office. To say that my face must have been red is probably an understatement, but I appreciate the care and interest they took in what I did outside of work.

While it is definitely taking a while to feel as though we are more than just co-workers, I think we are starting to get there in large part thanks to the weekly round table meetings and I really appreciate it. Feeling like I was part of a family is the main reason it was so hard to leave the County of Bruce last November.